Yet another blog ...

Yet another blog ...
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

About my motivation to write. Why I’m doing I'm doing it now and about the topics that I’m (probably) going to write about.

First of all, a confession: I've always written things. My diary - sometimes more, sometimes less intense; Short stories, but not in a long time (in the hope that I might devote himself to that again in the future!); I’ve always written and I am writing content for my company labfolder - whether it’s press releases, texts for our labfolder blog, Mission Vision Statements, company descriptions - I actually write all the time and I’m intentionally not sourcing out a lot of this writing!

Thus, I can honestly say that for me, writing is just fun. I also had German as a major subject in high school. However, I've always been a fan of good content - so I'm going to commit myself to high quality content for this blog. Not in a strict, linguistic sense and I’m going use colloquial language whenever it suits me. In addition, my English might read a bit “Simonesian” once in a while. What I mean is delivering comprehensive, well researched and well-structured content, proof-read but slightly colloquial texts.

Second point on my motivation: For me, writing is one way to learn - whenever I write and phrase out facts, learnings and experiences in my own words, I learn a lot better than when I, for example, simply read or listen to a podcast.

Last point on my motivation: I somewhat feel the urge to to communicate in this way what I have learned. A major topic of this blog is going to be entrepreneurship. I’m going to address the topic on how to build a company, what mistakes I've made, how I’ve learned from it and how others might be able to avoid these mistakes.

I really feel I’m entitled to write about this only now, since I feel that only by now I have reasonable knowledge and experience on entrepreneurship. The other reason why I start writing now is  efficiency. More and more I find myself in the role of a consultant for other founders everyone of them a great, ambitious and extremely smart individual - the persons I actually like support with my advice. However, I’ve often been thinking that it would be much more efficient if I could, in addition to the conversations I’m having with these guys, direct them to a text that contains all my knowledge and experience, say on the topic "What slides a good pitch deck should contain”. Therefore the target of this blog is also to increase the efficiency in my advisor-role by solidifying and increasing the half-life of the content I usually put together in  individual e-mails and conversations.

In addition to the main topic "entrepreneurship" this blog is going to be about several other topics I’m interested in. Over the last months, I’ve aggregated some raw content on topics that are not only relevant for entrepreneurs, such as productivity and discipline. But it will alsocover topics that just interest me, such as biohacking and lately, crypto-currencies.

But in general, I’d like to keep it rather open on what I’m going to write. What I set as a target to myself is to keep this blog bilingual from the beginning. I do not know whether that is ultimately efficient, but I just believe that there is still much too little content on entrepreneurship in German, by German speaking founders. And I really believe having content on entrepreneurship in the native language of these readers reduces the barriers for getting after it.

Therefore, as always, I’ll do my best to execute on this efficiently.


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